About Direct Booking
+4 031 9641Monday - Friday 9 - 18

About Direct Booking

Direct Booking is a travel agency with more than 14 years of experience.

We offer a full range of travel packages with transportation (charter planes, bus) or without. At Direct Booking you can find the best and diverse offers for destinations as Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Coratia, Montenegro, Spain and Italy.

The Direct Booking team is a professional and dedicated teeam, always at your service to pick the best holiday.

We thank the 230000 tourists that traveled with Direct Booking in 2023.

In this page you cand find the impressions left by our customers about Direct Booking team and about the hotels and destinations where they spent their vacation. (Customer reviews page).

Direct Booking licenses

Travel license open
Travel certificate open
Insurance policy open

Traveler reviews about Direct Booking (67211 reviews)
9.33 out of 10 for agency services
9.32 out of 10 for directbooking.ro agents

Carmina 02/06/2025

Website: 8, Agent: 8
Booking for Hotel Kristal, Golden Sands

bogdan 02/06/2025

Website: 8, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Apollo Ovicris, Eforie Nord

Stroie 02/06/2025

Servicii foarte ok.cu siguranță mai colaboram
Impression about the travel agent (Andreea): Ok.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Aqua President Hotel, Baile Felix

Marian 02/05/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Andreea Cristina): Foarte ok

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Ciucas, Baile Tusnad

Alex 02/05/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Poseidon Resort, Jupiter

Ioana 02/05/2025

Foarte multumita.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Glarus, Sunny Beach

Carmen 02/05/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for PARROTEL BEACH RESORT - Ex Radisson Blu Resort, Nabq Bay

vasile 02/05/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Pickalbatros Vita Resort - Portofino, Marsa Alam

marius 02/04/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel IZVOARE, Calimanesti Caciulata

Marin 02/04/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Olympic Bibis, Sithonia Metamorfosis

MIRELA 02/04/2025

Gina 02/04/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for MONTI CHALET, Poiana Brasov

Nicolae 02/03/2025

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for La Caretta, Alikanas

Toni 02/03/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Raluca-Teodora): Super

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Afrodita Resort and Spa, Baile Herculane

cosmin 02/03/2025

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Titanic Mardan Palace, Lara Antalya

RADU 02/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Avena Resort Spa Hotel ex Hotel Gold Safran, Alanya

Veronica 02/03/2025


Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Delta, Jupiter

Alin 02/03/2025

Foarte bine
Impression about the travel agent (Alina Roxana): Foarte bine

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for BACOLUX DIANA RESORT, Baile Herculane

Anca 02/03/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Andreea Cristina): NOTA 10

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Amwaj Rotana Jumeirah Beach, Dubai Jumeirah

Costache 02/03/2025

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Silver Mountain Resort Spa, Poiana Brasov

ADRIAN 02/03/2025

Foarte prompte și de calitate, ca de obicei.
Impression about the travel agent (Gaitan): Super eficient şi binevoitor.

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Hotel Saint George Palace, Bansko

Roxana 02/03/2025

Foarte bine
Impression about the travel agent (Alina Roxana): Profesionalism

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel International, Sinaia

Claudia 02/03/2025

Recomand servicii direct booking!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Caprioara Spa Wellness Resort, Covasna

Sv 02/03/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Andreea Maria): Multumit

Website: 9, Agent: 9
Booking for Hotel Tusnad, Baile Tusnad

Alexandru 02/03/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Mihaela): Profesionist.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Silva, Busteni

carmen 02/03/2025

Impression about the travel agent (Andreea Cristina): FB

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for HOTEL CASCADA, Baile Olanesti

oana 02/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for HOTEL PRESIDENT SPA, Baile Felix

Vasile 02/03/2025

Foarte mulțumit
Impression about the travel agent (Oana-Cristina): Nota 10

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Bulevard Predeal, Brasov

Dragis 02/03/2025

Servicii de foarte bună calitate

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Pinewood Hotel Rome, Rome

Maria 02/03/2025

Servicii prompte.
Impression about the travel agent (Marina Catalina): Prompt!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Rila Borovets, Borovets

Livia 02/03/2025

Foarte bine
Impression about the travel agent (Georgescu): Foarte bine

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Rixos Premium Magawish Suites Villas, Hurghada

Violeta 02/03/2025

Servicii excelente.
Impression about the travel agent (Iulia): Agentul meu a fost foarte prompt și comunicativ.

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Aqua President Hotel, Baile Felix

Elena 02/03/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Cabana Fulg De Nea, Predeal

Emimia 02/02/2025


Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Imperial Palace, Sunny Beach

Oana 02/02/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Azura Deluxe Resort Spa Avsallar, Alanya

Leonte 02/02/2025

Website: 9, Agent: 10
Booking for Afrodita Resort and Spa, Baile Herculane

Duțu 02/01/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel International, Baile Felix

sidoriuc 02/01/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Hotel Marina Grand Beach, Golden Sands

Laura 01/31/2025

Felicitari intregi echipe,este a sasea vacanta cu ei si vor mai urma,d-nul Gaitan un om deosebit,cu respect si corect!

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Mpm Orel, Sunny Beach

andreia 01/31/2025

Website: 10, Agent: 10
Booking for Sunrise All Suite Family Resort, Obzor