Circuits Naples, Campaign Italy 2025
Filters: Category: Circuits× (6 offers, 50EUR - 500EUR)

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About NaplesDetails and images of Naples


Naples is the largest city in southern Italy. It is one of the regional capitals and is located midway between Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei volcanic area.

Naples is situated on the northern shore of the bay with the same name, in south-eastern extremity of the Campanian Plain. South-eastern districts of the city climb the slopes of Vesuvius. In the north-west it is bordered by the Campi Flegrei volcanic area. It lies at a distance of 232 km from Rome.

The city was a Greek colony named Neapoli (new city). Napoli was successively under Romanian domination, Byzantine, Norman.

Recommendations for travel Naples

Royal castles and palaces
• Castel Nuovo
• dell'Ovo Castell (Castle literally egg)
• Castel Capuano
• Castle Sant'Elmo
• Royal Palace
• Capodimonte Palace
• Real Albergo dei Povera

Aristocratic palaces
• Palazzo Filomarino
• Palazzo del Panormos
• Palazzo San Giacomo
• Palazzo Doria d'Angra
• Palazzo Pignatelli
• Palazzo Arcivescovile
• Firrao Palace

• Naples Cathedral (Duomo)
• San Francesco di Paola
• Santa Maria del Carmine
• San Domenico Maggiore
• San Paolo Maggiore
• Santissima Annunziata Maggiore
• San Giorgio Maggiore
• San Pietro ad Aram
• Santa Maria di Piedigrotta
• Santa Maria degli Angeli of Pizzofalcone
• San Giovanni Maggiore
• Santa Maria della Sanità